Exodus 33:12-13
Moses talking to God: "...I have found favor with you... don't forget that this nation is Your very own people."
We should do this too - give to God what is His; Our families are His to do with what He wants, similarly are our lives, ministries, careers, etc.
When we show dependency to God as Moses did here, we will find His favor.
vs.14-16 We see Moses saying/admitting He can't take a single step without God - DEPENDENCE!
God's favor on His people distinguishes us from everyone else (see vs. 16).
**God's favor gives you an opportunity, but your response and obedience determines whether or not you will seize it.**
The Bible is an anthology - the story of who God is.
Favor is not a formula. It doesn't always work "like this" or "like that." God cannot be contained to a formula. If someone is struggling, that does not mean they don't have God's blessing or favor. (See the Book of Job) In Job, God trusted Job enough that Job would stay faithful to Him even in great struggle.
Here are a few Pastor's opinions of what favor means:
"Favor is God doing for you what you can't do yourself."
"Favor is God's goodness displayed in an individual's life in such a way that only He can get the credit."
"Favor is a relationship with God of great confidence where no matter what you know that with God you're going to come out on top."
"Favor is the acceptance, approval, and assistance of God awarded to us through the finished work of Jesus."
"Favor is God graciously working to optimize your life and your circumstances for your good and His glory."
Whoever God used in the Bible found favor with Him before He even used them.
Examples: Genesis 6:8 Noah
12 - Abraham: God blessed Abraham so that he, in return, could be a blessing to others
18 - Abraham prayed that he would find favor in the sight of God
God's favor is not limited to any circumstance of situation. God's favor can find you wherever you are and bless you even in the hardest times of your life.
Read Ruth 2:10
Similarly to Ruth, people who find favor with God can't even believe they are where they are and they know it's the Lord that got them there.
When you find God's favor it doesn't make you arrogant; it makes you humble. When people say they have God's favor, they're acknowledging their dependence on Him and saying it's Him who got them where they are. It's arrogant not to say this.
When you find favor with God, it's about realizing you're already blessed and that He wants to bless you even more! :)
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